Revolutionary Germantown Festival 2023

November 30, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

The Marketing and Development Coordinator at Cliveden (also known as the Chew House) had recently asked me to photograph the special events at the early October 2023 Revolutionary Germantown Festival. I've attended the Battle of Germantown reenactment event many times since I live in the Philly suburbs. It has become a different type of event in the last few years. Pre-covid, it was called the Battle of Germantown (two battle reenactments), with the highlights having George Washington's troops storming the Clevedon stone mansion unsuccessfully, just like the actual battle on October 4, 1777. 

This year, again, it was a festival with a small number of Continental and British first-person interpreters, vendors, a replica of George Washington's mobile tent, a battle overview by Thomas J. McGuire, the commemoration of those who were in the battle, an exhibition from the Souls Shot Portrait Project, Storytime at 10:30 am at the new Literacy Nest and family-friendly activities. I thought of myself as an event photographer, not one photographing a reenactment. It was essential to see the big picture and capture the special moments.

The weather forecast for the day was intermittent rain with downpours. We got lucky, with only a few scattered showers throughout the day. Here was one of the first photos I took in the morning. I saw this man with the three-cornered hat holding this adorable baby girl. I got it on my first attempt; sometimes, everything works perfectly! Here is the link to this event's photos.

The day was about educating the public about the life of an American Revolution soldier. It's needed to start educating kids about our history accurately and honestly.

Reenactors are accustomed to having their photos taken. Just ask politely, and they will usually say okay. That's what I did here.

In all my years visiting this site, it still amazes me that this is the original house that played such a pivotal role in the outcome of the Battle of Germantown in 1777. The mansion is that old. At this event, author Thomas J. McGuire always provides an excellent oration of the battle and the role of this mansion in it.

There is always a commemorative ceremony by British and Continental troops for who lost their lives at the battle. On both sides, about 200 soldiers were killed.

Thank you for reading! If you need an event photographer for an event, please get in touch with me.
Blog # 67 will be posted in January 2024. I'll share my top 5 photos of 2023. Be safe & well and Happy Holidays!!

Ken Bohrer





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