Attending a New Event-Jacobsburg Historical Society-Revolutionary War Weekend

July 31, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

It's always fun attending a Revolutionary War event for the first time. This one, this past May, was the Revolutionary War Weekend reenactment in Jacobsburg, PA. I learned about it from my photo friend, who keeps me updated on upcoming events. Felt great being healthy and vaccinated, so I was excited about my new road trip.  I planned my trip and calculated it would take me about 1 1/2 hours to travel from my home in the Philly suburbs to NE rural PA. To arrive early, I left around 6:30 am. It was a pleasant, cloudy, hot day. When I enter any new event, I like to stroll first to get the lay of the land. Near the parking lot was the sutler's area (vendors), and nearby was the American camp. Across the field were the British.

Soon after arriving, I found 2 of my photo friends. We gabbed for a few minutes on how we were and that we haven't seen each other in over a year! Walking around the grounds, I found some interesting subjects to photograph, like this birdhouse.

I'm always trying to photograph something unique. When walking around the American camp, I spotted this empty plate/cup on top of this block of straw. Nice photo, something different. 

The reenactments are usually the highlight of the day. I strive to get at least two original photos each time. Most times, I meet that goal.
In this photo, the blurred background makes this Native Warrior stand out. The key was being close to my subject. Also, like almost all my photos, it was hand-held. 

After the reenactment, I toured the John Joseph Henry House, an 1832 mansion. "Five generations of the Henry family lived in the home, filling it with musical instruments, books, tools, paintings, furniture, and numerous other personal belongings."

Across the street from the house is the Pennsylvania Longrifle museum. Included in the collection were numerous vintage muskets & powder horns. "The Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum features more than 100 historic arms on either permanent display or in rotating, topical exhibits. Displays feature Henry firearms dating from the American Fur Trade, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the American West, and the early twentieth century. Most of the firearms were made by the Henrys of Boulton..." The guides in the museum were knowledgeable about answering my questions.

After visiting the museum, I went across the parking lot to the British camp to shoot some more. I wasn't feeling well; my eyes were bothering me. They had been more a few months. A few weeks after this reenactment, I had an eye exam. Guess what I learned? I need cataracts surgery not just in one eye but both. Whew! My photo friend had said this! I'm scheduled for surgery, in both eyes, this month. I can't wait to see clearly again!

Thank you for reading. Blog # 39 will be posted in September 2021. Be safe & well!

Ken Bohrer



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