Challenge myself photographically-Mt Vernon Part 2 of 2

July 31, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

In last month's Part One blog, I mentioned having to challenge myself photographically because of my recent surgery on my visit to the Revolutionary War Weekend event at Mt Vernon, George Washington's home. I'm not supposed to lift over 15 pounds for a few months. So, I took only one lens, my light Nikon 24-85mm f/2.8-4, for my Nikon D500 SLR. Usually, I would use my long, heavy Nikon 80mm-400mm f/4.5-5.6. 

Here is my favorite photo of my day. I followed many photography techniques using On1 software. First, I cropped the image to have the path lead to the highlighted red topped wooden garden shed. I vignetted the edges, added vibrance, and brightened the subject. So much fun!

When my photo subject is recognizable, like Mt Vernon, I'll photograph it from a different angle or vantage point. That's what I did here. I positioned myself on the right side of the mansion, getting this compressed view with different angles and leading lines. It feels like a maze to me.

Slave labor built this magnificent mansion. We must remember that. No matter how much we don't want to admit our nation's blemish, it's a fact. George Washington was ahead of his time as a Southern enslaver in many ways in that he struggled with the institution of slavery and wrote of his desire to end the practice, Maybe because he traveled outside the South to New England and as far west as Ohio Valley where he met all types of people including free-and enslaved African Americans. But let's remember he was a product of his generation, where slavery was the economic foundation of the Southern plantation economy.

Directly across from Washington's tomb is a slave memorial. During these troubling political times, visiting this shrine was vital for me.

What's fun about photographing American Revolution reenactments is the many fantastic photography opportunities. Just something so simple as walking around the American & British camps, you can always find a photo opportunity. Here kids were having a great time playing cards. Simple!

You never know who you might see at an American Revolution reenactment event. Maybe even a Buddhist monk? Plus, Mt Vernon is open 365 days a year. So, make a plan to visit if you haven't before!

Thank you for reading! 

Blog # 63 will be posted in September 2023. Be safe & well!

Ken Bohrer



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